How Do I Get Rid of a Dry Mouth? | Bracken Ridge Dental

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How Do I Get Rid of a Dry Mouth?

If you often have a dry mouth and sticky saliva, even if you drink enough water, you might have a condition known as dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia). This happens when the salivary glands are impaired and don't produce enough saliva to rinse and hydrate your mouth.

Besides feeling uncomfortable, dry mouth can increase your risk of oral health problems, including tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores, so it's important to see a dentist and find out your options for treatment.

Dry mouth treatments

There can be many possible causes for a dry mouth. Your dentist will determine the most likely cause or causes when developing your treatment plan, which may include: 

Oral hygiene treatments

A dentist or dental hygienist can professionally clean and scale your teeth to remove plaque and apply protective fluoride to your teeth during your routine dental visits. They may also recommend adding a mouthwash or other oral hygiene products to your daily care routine.

Dental lubricants

Your dentist may provide a saliva substitute or other lubricating gel, mouthwash or toothpaste to reduce mouth dryness in the short term while treating an underlying problem. If you wear dentures, your dentist may provide a special adhesive to prevent them from coming loose.

Changing medication

A wide variety of medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect, including certain antidepressants, antihistamines and high blood pressure medications. Talk to your doctor for their recommendations before making any changes to your medication.

Treating an underlying condition

Dry mouth is sometimes caused by an infection of the salivary glands, such as mumps, which may be treated using antibiotics. It may also be a warning sign of a larger health condition, such as diabetes or Sjogren's syndrome. If in doubt, arrange an appointment with your doctor.


If there is a physical obstruction to the salivary glands, such as mineral stones, minor surgery may be necessary to remove it.

Home remedies for dry mouth

Dry mouth is sometimes temporary or may be improved by making some changes to your daily habits, with guidance from your dentist. This could include:

Avoid aggravating substances

You are more likely to suffer from a dry mouth if you:

  • smoke
  • drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages
  • eat dry or spicy food

Improve your diet

To stimulate saliva flow, you should:

  • drink plenty of water
  • eat food with a high water content
  • eat chewy foods
  • chew sugar-free gum between meals

Limiting the amount of sugar in your diet could also help you to avoid problems such as tooth decay that can develop faster with a dry mouth.

Improve your oral hygiene

Make sure you brush your teeth:

  • for two minutes, at least twice a day
  • using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste
  • changing your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3 months

It's also important to floss at least once a day to clean where your toothbrush doesn't reach.

Talk to a dentist in Bracken Ridge

If you want more advice about dry mouth or any other concerns, contact our friendly team at Bracken Ridge Dental. Call us today on (07) 3261 2405 or book online to see our dentists at a time that's good for you.